Welcome to the future of golf course maintenance

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Where the game is never interrupted. Where course maintenance is handled properly, using a smart, wholesome method that combines automation and next-generation course maintenance machines. And that’s not all – in addition, the costs of course maintenance will drop by a third. This is the Turf Gamechanger.



The use of automation means maintenance work, nutrition, and other resources can be allocated in an efficient way. Reducing the number of machines and tasks required for maintenance saves natural resources as well as fuel.

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The playing experience improves when the course doesn’t need to be closed for renovations or course maintenance. And this state-of-the-art equipment never leaves tracks on the course that disturb the playing experience.

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Cost savings

The cost of course maintenance will drop by a third with the smart allocation of resources. The number of machines moving on the course is reduced and maintenance can be carried out much more quickly.

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Automation works consistently to produce information about the health of your course, helping you to manage course maintenance effectively. The control view provides you with an up-to-date understanding of the health of your course.

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A machine capable of handling up to eight different stages of maintenance work in a single run: cutting, hollow coring/verticutting, grass collection, seeding, top dressing, fertilising, brushing, and rolling.

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All the factors that lead to the need for renovation are identifiable, and the TGC method can address them without a need to close the course for renovation work.

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    Mikä Turf Gamechanger on?

    Turf Gamechanger on seuraavan polven kentänhoidon menetelmä, joka koostuu kentänhoidon hallintaohjelmasta sekä kahdesta nykyaikaisesta kentänhoitokoneesta.

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    Mitä Turf Gamechangerin avulla voidaan saavuttaa?

    Turf Gamechangerin avulla teet hoitotoimet kohdennetusti, yhdistetysti sekä turhaa ajoa välttäen. Tämä johtaa merkittäviin säästöihin kentänhoidon kuluissa sekä huomattavasti parempaan pelikokemukseen.

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    Mitä automaatiolla kentänhoidossa tarkoitetaan?

    TGC-menetelmän automaatio kerää tietoa kentän tilasta älykkäiden kentänhoitokoneiden tehdessä jokapäiväisiä tehtäviään ja auttaa täten kenttämestareita kentänhoidossa kerätyn tiedon avulla. 

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    Koneet näyttävät painavilta, miten ne vaikuttavat kentän pinnan kuntoon?

    TGC-kentänhoitokoneiden pintapaine on pieni ja se jakautuu perinteisiä koneihin verrattuna tasaisemmin, joten koneet eivät jätä painaumia kentän pintaan.

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    Miksi TGC-menetelmä säästäisi kentänhoidon kuluissa?

    TGC-menetelmän avulla johdat kenttääsi reaaliaikaisen tiedon mukaisesti. Täten pystyt tekemään päivittäiset kentänhoidon tehtävät huomattavasti tehokkaammin. Kahdella TGC-koneella pystyt tekemään kaikki kentänhoidon tehtävät, etkä tarvitse useita laitteita.

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    What is the Turf Gamechanger?

    Turf Gamechanger is the next-generation method for course maintenance. It includes a course maintenance management application and two state-of-the-art course maintenance machines.

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    What can be achieved using the Turf Gamechanger?

    The Turf Gamechanger allows for smart allocation of maintenance work, combining work phases and avoiding unnecessary runs on the course. This leads to remarkable cost savings in course maintenance and a significantly improved playing experience.

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    What is meant by automation in course management?

    With the TGC method, automation is used to collect information on the health of the course. As the smart course maintenance machines run their daily tasks, they automatically gather this data, allowing the golf course superintendent to do their work more effectively.

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    The machines look heavy – what kind of impact do they have on the surface of the course?

    The TGC course maintenance machines have a low surface pressure, and the load is distributed more evenly than traditional machines. Therefore, the TGC machines do not leave tracks on the course surface.

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    How would the TGC method bring course management cost savings?

    The TGC method allows you to manage course maintenance based on real-time data. When you are properly informed of the health of your course, you can allocate daily course maintenance tasks much more efficiently. The two TGC machines can handle all course maintenance tasks, so you will not need to oversee a large number of machines.

Contact us

Surely you wouldn’t play golf with a wooden club, anymore, would you? Then why would you handle golf course maintenance with outdated solutions? Welcome to the future of golf course maintenance. Get started today by contacting us through contact form or call us directly.

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